NURBS++ is now at 3.0.11 ( May 24, 2002 )
The NURBS++ library
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NURBS documentation

I wrote an introduction (January 20, 1999) to NURBS in the PDF format. That document explains in details how NURBS are a generalization of a B-Spline and it explains the basic concepts necessary to manipulate and understand them: the knot vector and the control points.

I'm also starting to write a FAQ (May 09, 2002) about NURBS in general and my library in particular. I've only thought of 4 questions so far and most of them are shameless plugs for my library, so if you have more challenging questions, send them my way.

NURBS++ 3.0 documentation

The user manual (updated April 28, 1999) only covers the NURBS curves class for now. You can generate the reference by using Doxygen inside the main directory.

There is an html reference manual for NURBS++. I use doxygen to generate the documentation. To start navigating, there is the list of all the classes and all the functions. If you find the reference manual usefull, you might want to have a local copy. To do so, get doxygen working on your computer and do doxygen Doxyfile in the nurbs++-3.0.11 directory. This will also allow you to generate a LaTeX version of the reference manual (300+ pages).

NURBS 2.2 library documentation

For more accurate information you should read the reference manual also available in the PDF format (.gz, .bz2). It covers version 2.0 of the library.

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